NeuroPactor™ Replacement Actuator
The NeuroPactor™ actuator is second generation, much improved over that on the Impact One™. The wires from the controller enter a slot on the side of the cylinder, rather than wrap around the end from above, to reach the coil inside. These wires are allowed sufficient slack to fully retract or extend, then anchored solidly to the top of the cylinder. No sliding plastic slip tie. The threads used are resistant to tips working loose from impacts. You will not have to tighten the tip after each impact.
The piston will not lock up with the plastic pressed against the inside of the cylinder after a period of use. The piston will not rotate and pull on the wires when the tips are tightened. Lateral tip movement is greatly reduced. Standard tip set of 5 sizes (1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5 mm) included with purchase. Custom tips (round, rubberized, etc.) can be made on request, call to discuss your needs.
The NeuroPactor™ Replacement Actuator may be connected to an Impact One™ controller. Impacts will be comparable to the previous actuator. Factory calibration of the controller for a specific actuator for standard impact for a displayed setting is possible with a Neuroscience Tools™ controller.
Stroke Range:— 11 mm.
NeuroPactor™ Replacement Actuator